Welcome to Guildbrook Farm

Guildbrook Farm is a modern homestead in the foothills of Appalachia. We take our audience along on a journey to become more self-reliant by growing our own organic produce, raising animals for dairy and eggs, preparing food for long-term storage, and building off the grid renewable energy systems. In 2017, we moved to raw land where we are building a debt-free energy efficient and disaster resistant ICF mountain home. Join us as we learn to live a simple, sustainable lifestyle.

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6 Immune Building Winter Drinks

6 Immune Building Winter Drinks

Beating colds and the flu start with building a strong immune system. Here are 6 immune building winter drinks that I drink all winter long and some reasons that make them good for you.

6 Healthy Winter Immune Building Drinks:
1) Black Tea and Ginger
2) Hot Lemon
3) Ceylon Cinnamon and Apple
4) Black Strap Molasses (and spices)
5) Turmeric, Honey and Milk
6) Dandy Blend Coffee Substitute

Kal Stevia on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2j5IHzi
Organic Ceylon on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2jBl4zk
Aunt Patty's Blackstrap Molasses on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2idU8Aq
Organic Turmeric on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ie7UCZ
Dandy Blend Herbal Beverage on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2gX057g
Dandy Blend Sample Link: http://www.dandyblend.com/Dandy-Blend-Samples/23/

Primitive Log Ladder

Primitive Log Ladder

All Natural 12-Hour Deodorant Paste

All Natural 12-Hour Deodorant Paste