Welcome to Guildbrook Farm

Guildbrook Farm is a modern homestead in the foothills of Appalachia. We take our audience along on a journey to become more self-reliant by growing our own organic produce, raising animals for dairy and eggs, preparing food for long-term storage, and building off the grid renewable energy systems. In 2017, we moved to raw land where we are building a debt-free energy efficient and disaster resistant ICF mountain home. Join us as we learn to live a simple, sustainable lifestyle.

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How to QUIT YOUR JOB and Homestead

How to QUIT YOUR JOB and Homestead

Find out how to QUIT your job and start a homestead. In 2015, we both quit our 9 to 5 corporate jobs and traded them in for a simple, homesteading lifestyle. We explain what we did to prepare to quit our jobs, how we earn an income on the homestead, and how you can do it too.

How to Quit Your Job and Homestead
1) Get out of debt or reduce your debt to a minimum
2) Start a savings account
3) Stop spending money. Grow or produce what you can yourself
4) Use your skills and creativity to start one or several home businesses. You may have to supplement with part-time jobs until you can get those businesses up and running, but having little to no debt and expenses will allow you to be able to do just about anything

My Livestock MISTAKES – They Are Gone

My Livestock MISTAKES – They Are Gone

Jaime's EDC:  A Practical Woman's Every Day Carry

Jaime's EDC: A Practical Woman's Every Day Carry