Welcome to Guildbrook Farm

Guildbrook Farm is a modern homestead in the foothills of Appalachia. We take our audience along on a journey to become more self-reliant by growing our own organic produce, raising animals for dairy and eggs, preparing food for long-term storage, and building off the grid renewable energy systems. In 2017, we moved to raw land where we are building a debt-free energy efficient and disaster resistant ICF mountain home. Join us as we learn to live a simple, sustainable lifestyle.

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Growing Shiitake Mushrooms with SandyCreek Farm

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms with SandyCreek Farm

We want to learn how to grow mushrooms! Sure, there are mushroom books and videos, but the BEST way to learn is to learn side-by-side with experts! Jaime visits SandyCreek Farm in Lexington, NC to learn from two mushroom experts, and all around amazing people, Brenda and John. They walk her through the types of spores that work in this area, hardwoods to inoculate in, mushroom growing supplies and where to buy them, as well as tips and tricks of the trade.

Visit SandyCreek Farm to take a mushroom inoculation workshop or one of their other events or just stop by to buy some shiitake mushrooms, blueberries, or some homemade jam and jelly:

SandyCreek Farm: http://www.sandycreekfarm150.com/

Field and Forest Products:  http://www.fieldforest.net/

Soil Amendments for Most Nutritious Vegetables

Soil Amendments for Most Nutritious Vegetables

The Compost Pile

The Compost Pile